ParentTip #20 Manners Matter

How people behave in society, i.e., at home, at work, in the marketplace, among friends and strangers, says a lot about a person’s upbringing and character.  You will make a first impression of a person by their manners, how they greet you, respond to you, treat you, and behave in general. 

  • Manners are important and should be taught at home. 

Without manners human beings become lawless and abased in their actions. Godliness does not exist without self respect, respect for others, kindness, boundaries and consideration of the feelings of others.  

Basic manners, such as how to properly acknowledge and address people, how to conduct oneself in various environments, how to eat, speak and act with courtesy, etc. should be taught at a young age. 

  • Acknowledging people with politeness, with eye contact, and a simple good morning, good evening, hello, handshake, thank you, please, yes sir, no sir, yes mam, no mam, are basic good manners to teach your children. 

Simple manners can be the difference in how a child and adult advances in society. Manners can be the distinguishing factor that elevates a person in the school classroom, promotes someone in their workplace, and distinguishes the character of Christ in a world filled with disrespect, godlessness and lawlessness.  Manners can also affect a person’s ability to have healthy relationships with others. 

  • Lack of manners will always affect a person’s ability to be all God has called them to be. 

Some common manners to teach children should include not picking of the nose in public, not eating with mouth open, not coughing or sneezing without covering, not barging into someone’s space without saying excuse me, not eating without washing of hands, not grabbing food over someone at the table, not passing gas in public, and not being rude and addressing people with courtesy.  

  • Take some time to evaluate manners in your household. 

It’s never too late to talk about the importance of manners with your children.  Always teach,  remind, and model manners.  Refining behavior is as important as education and developing skills to become a healthy person and productive member of society.   


  • Manners are still important and should be taught at a young age.

  • Manners can be the distinguishing factor in advancing in society. 

  • Manners are a reflection of godliness and the kindness and courtesy of Christ.  

  • It’s never too late to teach manners. 

Today’s Prayer:  LORD,  please help me to raise children who have respect for themselves and others and who behave with common courtesy and discipline. May they reflect the character of Christ and exemplify high moral character in all they put their hands to accomplish. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen


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