ParentTip #11 Sexuality - When and How

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

We are created by God as sexual beings to procreate and to experience pleasure in the sacredness of marriage. So it is only normal for a child to explore their bodies at a young age.  A parent’s role in helping a child to understand their feelings when it comes to sexuality is an important aspect of parenting.  It is critical to teach your child what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior.   

  • The problem for some parents is they do not feel comfortable talking to their child about their sexuality.  

If you as a parent do not teach your child and guide, adjust and modify your child’s behavior, someone else will.  You do not want your child being influenced, confused, indoctrinated and molded by the world’s definitions of acceptable sexual behavior and gender identity.  As you know, there is sexual messaging everywhere vying for your child’s body, soul and spirit.  Our role as parents is to give our children a Biblical roadmap to a healthy, godly, and beneficial Christian lifestyle. 

  • You cannot let your guard down as a parent. 

You have to protect your child’s developing mind.  Otherwise, it will be developed by cultural thought as heard and seen through television programming, commercials, movies, books, social media, music, influencers, public school classrooms and even godless friends, family members and neighbors.  

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.  Romans 1:26-27

  • When a child is very young, ages 3 to 5 years old, your responsibility is to teach basic boundaries.   

A child needs to know it is not appropriate to play with their genitals nor should anyone ever touch their private parts.  A child should always be told that no one is to see or touch their privates or ask them to undress. They should also be told to tell mom and or dad should anyone ever get too close to them and touch them where they should not - no matter who it is!  And if someone says, do not tell mom or dad, they are not to listen. Teach your children early on about modesty and it is not ok to see any adults and peers with no clothing on.  

  • Provide information gradually as you see questions arising, situations presenting, and the Holy Spirit nudging. 

Your 4 year old is likely not thinking about reproduction, sexuality, gender identity and all this world is throwing at children.  But your 8 to 10 year old child may be getting more exposed to these topics than you think.  Thus, you have to be attentive to your role as the ultimate teacher and guide in your child’s life.  

  • There is no exact age for explaining God’s creation of male and female, how they function physically, how a child is made and born, etc.. 

You just need to know it is important to not give over this responsibility to anyone else.  Do not hold off when you know it is time for a conversation.  You do not need to discuss every topic on sexuality in one sitting, but you must do so over time. Always be willing to answer any questions your child may ask,  no matter how difficult and or uncomfortable. Your child needs you. 

Take some time to research some good Christian reading material on the topic of discussing sexuality with your children. Organizations such as Focus on the Family are very helpful in providing resources for Christian parents.  


  • Overcome not feeling comfortable discussing sexuality with your children. 

  • You are responsible for parenting your children’s sexuality. 

  • Start with discussing basic boundaries when children are very young, then all topics and questions as they grow older. 

Today’s Prayer:  LORD, protect my children from developing an unhealthy view of their sexuality.  Help me to be wise and deliberate in guiding them along the way in understanding  God’s design for their lives.   In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!


ParentTip #12 Strong Willed Children


ParentTip #10 Making Memories