LeadTip #39 Power of Stillness

Psalm 46:10a

Be still, and know that I am God…

In the busy world of life, and even ministry, we must stop to experience the Power of Stillness.

✓ There is nothing more important to a Christian leader than to be intentional about finding stillness.

Finding time and a place to be able to hear nothing other than what God wants you to hear is a necessity in life.

When is the last time you could just hear birds chirping, the sound of a flowing brook, wind bustling in the trees, or just complete silence?

God commands us to be still. He knows we have a hard time in giving him the wheel to life and ministry. “Jesus Take The Wheel” is a great song to remind us to relinquish control and give the wheel over to God. Life is much better when you learn to allow God to drive your time, activities, family, business, and ministry.

✓ Activity can sometimes be a symptom of an inability to rest, listen, think and find peace in the Lord.

Do you have a set time to be silent, to rest, to ask God to speak to you, to pray, to meditate on scripture, to be guided by the Holy Spirit? If not, you are likely low on peace and high on anxiety and stress.

✓ You must be deliberate and make time for stillness.

It’s an amazing feeling when you begin to take control of life rather than it controlling you. You can accomplish just as much in stillness as in activity. Do not let fear push you into activity. Take authority over your life!

One of the greatest investors in the world, Warren Buffet, said, “I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business.”

✓ I can hear voices now saying I am too busy with kids, work, ministry, etc., to find time for myself, for stillness.

The reason for busyness is lack of stillness. In stillness the Lord will grant you the insight and wisdom in how to reorder your life, i.e., your schedule, and priorities. In so doing you will solitude and ultimately be more productive, as well as spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy.

✓ Learn to be still. Start with 10 minutes a day, then increase this time and find your special place. Find a secret place to meet with stillness.

Be still, and know that I am God… Psalm 46:10a


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LeadTip #38 Power Of Appreciation