LeadTip #42 Self Preservation

Acts 20:28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

There is no greater tragedy than a Christian leader falling prey to the devil’s schemes. We have seen a fair share of Christian pastors and leaders losing their way off the path of righteousness. When a believer with influence falls spiritually it affects many people. The devil rejoices and heaven weeps.

✓ How can leaders protect themselves from the devil’s snares?

Boundaries, accountability, delegation, prayer, worship, rest and Holy Spirit renewal, are all protective and necessary disciplines in the life of a Christian leader.

✓ A leader must initiate strong boundaries to avoid temptation.

There are obvious boundaries such as avoiding drinking, drugging, pornography and being in wrong places and inappropriate situations with the opposite sex. Wise leaders and churches must establish rules to avoid even the appearance of evil.

✓ Setting boundaries is not legalism, but wisdom.

Our carnal nature is inherently sinful and is bent on doing the wrong thing. Having boundaries in place, such as not being alone with the opposite sex other than your spouse, is not only appropriate but life saving.

It is well known Billy Graham established strong boundaries in his life. He would not meet, travel, or eat with another woman alone. He understood the weakness of the flesh and wanted to prevent infidelity and even the “appearance of evil.”

✓ Accountability is an act of humility and allowing others to speak into and watch over your life.

Is there anyone who can say hard things to you? Is there anyone you allow to correct and even rebuke you? If you are a believer you must be accountable to others. This not only protects you, but all those in your sphere of influence.

If you are a church leader accountability is a watchman over the integrity and holiness of your life and the church. It is critical to have accountability as a Christian leader.

✓ Self preservation means preserving the spiritual you.

Caring for your spiritual health, your relationship with the LORD, your peace, your joy, your calling in Christ, leads to a blessed life. To carry the responsibilities of a leader and to have a positive influence on others you must be spiritually fit.

✓ Prayer, worship, delegation of duties, and taking time to rest, are some ways to refresh your soul and stay spiritual healthy.

Sometimes these disciplines are the hardest things for a busy leader to do, but they are the most important. A Christian leader must take time to care for their spiritual wellness. This sometimes means giving up control and trusting God can take care of things.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10


LeadTip #43 Overcoming Warfare


LeadTip #41 It Takes Work