LeadTip #57 Know Your Calling

Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

  • You are called by God.

There will be many voices throughout your life calling to you and trying to gain your allegiance. 

Jesus called twelve disciples to be part of His team. Out of the twelve disciples, eleven were willing to live wholeheartedly, even to the point of death, for the sake of the Gospel.  Though not perfect in any way, they understood the great calling that was on their lives.  

One disciple, Judas, failed Jesus and failed to realize the very purpose of life. His own agenda dominated his thoughts and actions, which led to tragedy.

  •  Be totally committed.

The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tested in His commitment to the pain and sacrifice required by His calling. Satan tried to break Jesus and offered Him all the kingdoms of the world to change His mind. Jesus was not enticed because He was totally committed. Jesus knew who He was and had submitted His will over to God the Father.  

  •  Make a decision to go the distance.

You must make a decision of the will to go the distance for Jesus. This means being totally committed to your God given responsibilities and roles, fully committed to your marriage, children, integrity, loyalty, church, and the spiritual authority God places over your life. Unless you know who you are in Christ and the purpose of your life, the temptations and pride of life will entice you when things get difficult.  

  • You will be challenged. 

Luke 4:1-2 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.

Challenges in life are not always initiated by the devil. Life itself has challenges, and sometimes you will be tested by God himself. God wants you to grow in character, in spiritual fortitude, in Christian leadership and in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Know who you are in Christ. Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and submit your will to God’s will throughout your life.  

Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


LeadTip #58 Why Church


LeadTip #56 Are You Loyal