4 Reasons to Serve


I remember the first time I walked into my church home.  It was a very unfamiliar experience for me. I was immediately greeted and welcomed like an old friend. I vividly remember a ministry member (from what was called the “Welcome Center” at the time) walk right up to me, introduce them self and invite me to lunch. That event was one of several that led me to the Lord.  I remember thinking, “Why do people serve? What could be some of the benefits of serving in the church? Why donate your personal time to serve?” After seeking out those very answers, here are some of the reasons why Christians should serve in the church.

 1. Natural to Serve


I am blessed to have two son’s that are 11 months apart. My oldest (Micah) is 17 months and youngest, (Titus) is 6 months. Watching them grow has taught me so much about God’s love, as well as his creation. Micah might not know too many words, but he is quite good at expressing himself.  Through his body language and baby talk it’s easy to peek into his worldview.

It’s basic, full of wonder and joy, and highlights some of our most naturally qualities. When Titus cries, Micah is quick to come over and rub his back, hand him a toy, attempt to feed him, or help him anyway he believes he can. My oldest son is simply ready to serve his little brother, although it may not appear that way to Titus.  Often an attempted hug turns into a body slam or an attempted feeding ends with a cracker to the eye, but what an amazing picture God presents to me through my sons of what he naturally instilled in each of us. When we accept Christ into our hearts and make Jesus Lord of our lives, we are able to act more like Jesus and these naturally instilled qualities are brought forward.

2.  Serving is Loving


It easy to see Micah’s love through his desire and action to serve his brother. Action isn’t just necessary for love; love requires it. How can we express this love we have in Christ if we do not allow opportunities for this action to occur? This is where the church community shines. The Church is the most effective evangelism tool in existence.  

Of course, we can introduce people to Jesus on the street, but as a body we multiply and focus this effort. When we join and serve the Church in this effort we fill critical roles within the Body. Like the pinky toe helps to support the foot, which in turn supports the full weight of the body, our service is essential in accomplishing the mission. What better way to show your fellow man the greatest love by introducing them to the only person that is able to save them from the pit of hell. By serving the local church we put into action our love for Christ and people.

3.  Serving is Fighting


Serving the Church has a profound effect on our daily lives. It brings us closer to the Body of Christ and closer to the heart of God. In recent times we’ve seen wars in foreign lands, where the typical American’s daily lives are unaffected by the course of the conflict.  As much as we want to support our troops it’s tough to truly connect with the effort, or hold a real stake in the battle.

The Bible describes that a battle is being fought daily, not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil. When we join the Church in serving we join in the battle. We get to feel the weight of the effort and be part of team. This amplifies the sense of purpose we have in Jesus and we gain a soldiers camaraderie with our fellow serving Christians.

4.  Why I Serve


It’s great to be connected to an effort that is bigger than yourself; to know that you play a direct role in introducing people to Jesus who changes their lives forever. I love serving because it grounds me into a community of people that truly care about my life. As iron sharpens iron we‘re able to build each other up in faith and truth. Together we can navigate the wilderness called life. I’ve met my closest friends and counselors serving the Body of Christ.

I’ve been blessed to be involved in leading a ministry which has afforded numerous opportunities to help and love on people. Ministry is constantly testing and expanding my faith. When we serve we get more chances to put action to our faith it  activates on a basis that is more than just on a Sunday. I invite you to become a member and join one of our amazing teams here at Legacy Church.

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A special thanks to Zachary Duclos, a member of Legacy Church, for writing this blog and “serving” our nation through the US Marine Corp.


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