ParentTip #22 Freedom to Choose

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

I recently heard a parent say, I am allowing my child to choose their own religion. Allowing a child freedom to choose can be a good thing in their development process, but only if their decisions do not negatively affect their safety, wellbeing and eternal salvation.

  • God tells us to raise a child in the way they should go. 

We are living in a world that is pressuring parents to allow secular culture to raise their children. Godless, immoral and deceived leaders believe their ways are superior to the tested teachings of scripture. 

  • Society is pushing parents to allow children to make their own decisions at any age. 

The reasoning behind giving children the right to make their own decisions at any age is ludicrous and deceptive. Greed, immorality, and demonic influence is pushing this destructive logic and narrative. It is contrary to Biblical teaching and lacks wisdom and common sense. 

  • A child should have the right to decide their gender, their sexual preference, when to submit to parents, when to have sex, etc., etc. 

This thinking is based upon the false notion a child has equal rights and has the cognitive ability to make any decision. This mantra is becoming pervasive in the times we are living in. It opens the door to all kinds of perverted behavior and eliminates parental authority and Biblical moral code. It is lawless, destructive, and disobedient to God and allows the taking advantage of children. 

  • A child’s thinking, beliefs, and behavior need to be developed and adjusted by parents.

A parent must be very involved in the lives of their children and will have to battle influences contrary to Biblical teaching. It is the responsibility of a parent to mold a child, not the world. 

A parent must raise their children in right environments that foster a Biblical worldview. This takes much thought, investment, parental authority, oversight, and unbending godly leadership. A parent is the only one who has the God given right to decide what really matters to the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of their children.  

  • Should a child decide if and when to go to church, youth group, school, their religious persuasion or lack of, and other critical decisions? 

The answer is no. As long as a child is under your parental care and support, they should follow the rules of your home. Begin early in training your children in the way they should go and protect them from worldly indoctrination and godless influences. 

  • You are your child’s protector, and most important influence and advocate. 

Do not let this world take your place as a parent and try to convince you Biblical parenting is outdated and obsolete.

Be the godly parent God empowers and backs you to be! 


The following information was taken from an article in written by Kendra Cherry.

Children with uninvolved parents may:

Be anxious or stressed due to lack of family support

Be emotionally withdrawn

Fear becoming dependent on other people

Have an increased risk of substance abuse

Have to learn to provide for themselves

Exhibit more delinquency during adolescence


  • God tells us to raise our children in His ways.

  • Society is pushing parents to allow their children to make adult decisions.

  • A child should follow the rules of the home. 

  • A parent is their child’s protector and most important influence and advocate.

  • Do not let the world become your child’s parent. 

Today’s Prayer:  LORD,  please help me to protect my children from godless influences.  Help me to develop a close relationship with them with open and honest communication.  Please keep my children receptive to my guidance and expose anything that would cause them to stray off the path to a blessed life in Christ.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen


ParentTip #23 What Discipline Is Not


ParentTip #21 A Strong Will Can Be a Future Benefit