LeadTip #32 Excellence

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor decided to go above and beyond for his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. He built her a palace that celebrated her beauty. Construction of the Taj Mahal. Palace, which began in 1632, took 21 years to construct. It required 20,000 workers to accomplish this act of love.

The Bible says whatever you do, do it with all your might. This amazing story of the Taj Mahal is a testimony of the power of love. Love is a powerful motivating force.

✓ Our love for the LORD should motivate us to serve God with excellence. It should cause us to give our greatest effort to ministry, to serving God and His people.

No church should be lacking in servants and excellence when doing the work of the Lord. Leaders uphold the principle of giving our best to God and impart the importance of hard work and sacrifice.

When a church lacks people willing to serve in its various ministries, there is usually a lack of teaching concerning our call and responsibility as the body of Christ. Serving is the heart of Christ, and serving with joy and excellence is the character of Christ.

The greatest among you will be your servant. Matthew 23:11

✓ Good things take time. Most people appreciate excellence, especially when it comes to things they enjoy, like good food.

Excellence takes time and effort. The old saying Rome was not built in a day is true. Nothing worthwhile is just slapped together, and for sure what you do for the Lord is worthy of greater time and effort. The light from a star can take 100,000 to 400,000 years to reach earth. Looking up at the majesty of stars is worth the wait.

✓ When I look around our local church I see people giving all it takes to make the House of God beautiful and worthy of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Excellence is something we talk about and strive to achieve. It is part of the DNA of our church and it shows in every area of ministry. We do not believe a donated used old couch is worthy of the House of God. We also do not believe it’s OK for people to not be responsible and accountable to serving with excellence. This does not fit into a philosophy of excellence, nor does it represent doing something with all your might as the Bible says, giving your best to God.


LeadTip #33 Authenticity


LeadTip #31 Vision