LeadTip #46 Tapping Into Uniqueness

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10

A good leader knows the importance of identifying the unique gifts, talents and personality given to every person by God. Tapping into each person’s uniqueness can bring a team to a higher level of productivity, efficiency, happiness and achieving mission.

✓ There is something special when a leader appreciates an individual’s uniqueness.

A machine works smoothly and with longevity when it’s parts are engineered precisely and with excellence. It is the same with human beings. A leader must engineer a team precisely using the unique gifts, talents and personalities of every team member.

✓ A good leader does not want everyone to be the same, but to bring their own strengths to accomplish a mission.

The mission must be the same for all, but it is wise to tap into the different strengths of those involved in accomplishing the mission. Leaders must see and appreciate the importance of every person. This takes extra time, effort, and wise perception, but it is necessary.

✓ It is always easier to just place people where there is the greatest need, but this is not always the best decision.

For sure, God calls everyone to have a servant’s heart and to do what it takes where needed. God will usually test people during these times. He will test their motivation, will, humility and the quality of their overall character. A leader must be attentive to the testings of God in a person’s life, and not circumvent what God wants to do. But once the person passes the tests it is time to help advance them into their divine purpose and calling.

✓ People get frustrated when they feel as though a leader is trying to force a round peg into a square hole.

There are times when people must be flexible for the benefit of a team and organization. But it is always best to seek out the purpose God has for a person and the unique value they can bring. God has made each of us with unique gifts, talents and personalities, collaborate with Him when positioning people on your team and organization.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:16


LeadTip #47 Value People


LeadTip #45 Finding Inspiration