Calling ALL Women


I hope you forever wield truths like these as a weapon.

To the amazing women who have yet to meet their Heavenly Father: I pray you open your heart and come to meet the One who knows you best. The God who birthed the truths I'm going to speak. The one who loves you in a way that you'll never experience anywhere else. He loves you whether you know Him or not, but to acknowledge Him and receive His love is where the transformative power lies.

Our Heavenly Father is so good. In this world full of comparison and standards and contouring and diets and Instagram posts and fake eyelashes, we can forget that underneath all those things, at the very basis of who we are as women, without ANY effort on our part, we are the product of God’s marvelous workmanship.

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

   Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”

Psalm 139:14

The sad truth is that the opinions of this world will come to destroy us inside and out. The spirit of comparison so easily warps how we see ourselves on the outside. Along with our self-esteem, this world tries desperately to steal our inner identities. That mistake you made or the abuse you endured makes you unclean. The broken family makes you unacceptable. The divorce makes you damaged goods.

Unclean. Unacceptable. Damaged. These are not our names!


Although the voices of this world seem to be screaming louder than ever, anybody who has ever been in a disagreement knows, loudness does not correlate to truthfulness.  We must recognize the voices for what they are: FALSE. They don’t belong. They’re like viruses on a nice clean hard drive. We have to decipher the truth and choose to tune into it while drowning out the lies. This is important because how we value ourselves determines how we will allow others to value us.

If you have an object that is worth $10 and someone offers to buy it from you for $20, would you take it? Of course you would.

God’s value of us is infinitely more than $10, but if we don’t allow that truth to penetrate our hearts then we will allow ourselves to be sold to any person or situation that comes waving a $20 bill, all the while believing that we’ve made a wise business decision.

When I first started coming to Legacy Church, I was on my way out of an unequally yoked marriage, laden with pain, damage, scars, and guilt not only from the marriage, but from past childhood traumas and my own extremely destructive sin patterns. I would come to find out that the baggage I carried on weighed on my self-image and altered how I saw and valued myself. Flash forward to now and I have found a genuine wholeness and sense of true worth. The kind that only lies in my identity as a daughter of the most loving Father who finds me so so beautiful. And you too!   

So just listen to the following biblical truths. Meditate on them. Share them often with other women. Wield them viciously when necessary. For any man reading this, share it with your daughters. Remind your wives and your mothers and your sisters. It's so important they know.

Remind yourselves too! Although these ideas of self-image and comparison are especially hard on women, these spirits come for men too. Remember how your Heavenly Father sees you. It’s time we start taking a hold of who we really are and swerving away from who the world says we are.

Who are we in God’s eyes?  


More Precious than rubies

In Proverbs 31:10, wives are identified as “more precious than rubies.” I've only seen rubies in photos, so I can’t say that I’ve ever actually held one in my hands, however, their value is evident without physical contact. They are unmistakably beautiful while also exhibiting extreme resiliency.

Due to the varying amounts of the trace element known as chromium present in rubies, the gems can appear as varying shades of red.All rubies are unique, but they are all extremely beautiful. I dare you to believe and speak the truth over yourself today that you are even MORE precious than this.


We are utensils made of gold and silver. Paul writes this one. He is referring to the concept of keeping yourself pure so as to maintain your status as a “special utensil for honorable use” (2 Timothy 2:20-21 NLT). The entire idea of purity in general should give you a hint as to how valuable you are. Is it not true that the valuable things are the things that we want to maintain as clean and sacred?

What clothes are your kids allowed to go outside and play in every day? Probably not their nice suits and beautiful dresses that are being set aside for a better time. Because that would make them play clothes and not dress clothes.

The fact that God wants us to cherish and value our purity should clue us in to the truth that we must be something special. If God didn’t value us, it wouldn’t matter whether we paraded through the mud in our Sunday best.

A Gift

We will greatly enrich our husband’s life. (Proverbs 31:11 NLT) The word “enrich” can be defined as "to improve or enhance the quality or value of.”  When we are added to a husband, we improve his life. We enhance the quality of it. We make it more valuable. We make it better.

We are the helper to which the first man exclaimed, "At last"! (Genesis 2:23 NLT) A gift to our companions. How special we must be for someone to look at us and exclaim such words. You might already be someone’s "at last,” but if you're not, my prayer is that you would see and know that God created us beautifully and wondrously enough to deserve such a declaration. Adam didn’t just say it without emotion, he exclaimed it!

A Treasure

We are a treasure. Proverbs 18:22 says that “the man who finds a wife finds treasure.” It doesn’t say that once a man marries a woman she becomes treasure. It says that what the man has found is treasure.

When I hear the word “treasure” my mind automatically goes to an image of a chest brimming with gems and gold chains and jewels and gold pieces like you see on TV. All things of monetary value. We are this valuable, and more!

In conclusion

I pray these truths bless you and those you share them with. These are only a few examples that illustrate how beautiful and valued we are. I pray that if you haven’t already begun the journey to discovering who you are (and WHOSE you are) that this would be your starting point.

As a church we do not believe in doing life alone. We want to pray with you.

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What to do when Starting Over
